About Us
Board of Advisors
P. Stephen BaenzigerProfessor at University of Nebraska Lincoln and Nebraska Wheat Growers Presidential Chair
Professor Baenziger’s major focus is on small grains cultivar development. As such, he tests lines throughout Nebraska to determine their agronomic worth and in collaboration with others, their end-use quality. In addition, he has projects on transgene inheritance in wheat, germplasm evaluation and utilization, understanding wheat yield and agronomic performance using unique cytogenetic tools and molecular markers, and determining the genetic components that may be of value in future global climate change scenarios. His projects are also committed to agriculture sustainability and profitability.
B.A., Biochemical sciences, Magna Cum Laude, Harvard University, 1972
M.S., Plant Breeding & Genetics, Purdue University, 1975
PH.D., Plant Breeding & Genetics, Purdue University, 1975